‘ ‘ Fastest-Finger First/FFF ’ means that part of the program where a question is asked to the selected participant(s), who in turn shall answer the same. The first participant to correctly answer the question shall be entitled to proceed to the Hot Seat as the Hot Seat Contestant [1] . This article explores application of the FFF principle in Arbitration, with reference to determination of jurisdiction of Courts.. Two provisions of the Act [2] , appears to have direct application of FFF principle. Section 11(11) and Section 42 of the Act, are living examples. Section 11(11) [3] considers the situation where more than one request for appointment of arbitrator is filed before different High Court, while Section 42 [4] is a general provision regarding jurisdiction. In either case, where and arbitration request or an application under the Act has been made to a court, that court and not other court shall have jurisdiction to entertain such application or requ...