Guardianship of an Autistic Person – Excerpts from a Lawyer’s Notebook
Shaun the lead character in the Netflix series Good Doctor is a mild autistic person About the Notebook The Notebook is the lawyer's mind and the playground of his thoughts. It is confidential, and it is where a case is built or destroyed. When the pleadings are scrutinized by many, the notebook claims immunity. Sometimes, it can critically stare at the lawyer himself, while looking back and re-reading the notes. This is the case study of real-life characters, of late they are represented as X, Y, and Z, to preserve their identity and privacy. There is a lot of medical literature on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [i] , but the legal literature is scarce. Therefore, it was deemed appropriate to open the lawyer's notebook to reflect on some thoughts, running parallel to litigation that started from a local magistrate court and finally decided by the highest court in the Country Story of Z Z the protagonist, faces a condition medically de...